The Season of Joy

Christmas tree deco in Time Square

The trees are up and the decoration filled the malls anticipating the season towards Christmas & as for me, the joyous occasion of the year. The year mark at it's end opening the gate to Year 2008.

The Garden

The Garden at Mid Valley, one of the new malls in town. I heard the Christmas deco is up in Mid Valley. As always, mid valley always have the best deco aside from Star Hill Gallery. I just can't wait to snap some photo.

Putrajaya Mosque

Apparently I went to putrajaya to snap some photos though it's kinda late at night. Eventually I took some quick snaps then I head straight home soon after.

A night at Putrajaya

The radiance of the moon give reflection to all of its surrounding when gaze upon the lake.

I just can't wait for Christmas to arrive =)

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