The Nine Thousand Prologue...
Monday, July 14, 2008 by Michael Wong
The voyages still continue aimlessly with no harbor in sight. No one knew for sure what would lies ahead. Perhaps, some may said, all this was nothing more than a absurd dream but I refused to believe it. I continued with my pursue...
An anchor drops all the way to the dark, cold calmness of the abyssal plain, and disturbs the stillness of centuries by throwing up a cloud of silt.
One nearly hit .... the other awaits ...
As the storm came and sank the ships till it stops sinking and ends up floating on a underwater surface, beyond the reach of the storms but far above the ocean floor.
It's calm there. Dead calm.
Slowly, I turned my body around and raised my left arm. I reached as far as I can and clinched on to the iron plated handle and it stored water to power its mechanisms.
.... Flush~~~~~~Flush~~~~~~
I felt instant feeling of relieve...
I finally came out of the toilet....
Cubicle will be updating it new template soon. Still in the progress of getting it work properly. I was sick for the past few days.
Dang KFC! See ya guys soon.
An anchor drops all the way to the dark, cold calmness of the abyssal plain, and disturbs the stillness of centuries by throwing up a cloud of silt.
One nearly hit .... the other awaits ...
As the storm came and sank the ships till it stops sinking and ends up floating on a underwater surface, beyond the reach of the storms but far above the ocean floor.
It's calm there. Dead calm.
Slowly, I turned my body around and raised my left arm. I reached as far as I can and clinched on to the iron plated handle and it stored water to power its mechanisms.
.... Flush~~~~~~Flush~~~~~~
I felt instant feeling of relieve...
I finally came out of the toilet....
Cubicle will be updating it new template soon. Still in the progress of getting it work properly. I was sick for the past few days.
Dang KFC! See ya guys soon.