"Ping PongING"

Anyone care to have a "ping pong" (table tennis) session with me?

I guess I had been playing ping pong for the past weeks including this week.

My terms for "PING PONGing" is referring to my current state.

Everything seems like a ball game to me. A minute your eyes are not on the balls, it comes with a bang. Racing with time each day and concentrating on the ball game is what surrounds us these days and there is no denial if you cannot catch up with it, you are definitely a gone case.

I'll be posting rarely due to current work load. I can't even find time for myself these days. Hopefully I do post at least once a week =) haha~

Stress is eating off part of brain and pressure is taking me away slowly.

Argh... How I wish I was at the cinema now watching - "Definitely, Maybe" !!!! You may go to youtube and search for the trailer yourself and if you love the sitcom "Two guys and a girl at a pizza place" I guess you will love this show too.

Till then, cya. I hope I can post more soon.

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