New Year Holiday P1
Monday, January 14, 2008 by Michael Wong
The day started early as I carried my backpack and head to the nearest train station to head north.
Excitement runs down my spine with the feeling just like a child who had never sat on a train before. It was freezing cold that particular morning due to the heavy down pour earlier, inside the train was cold too and I was left hugging my backpack tightly to beat the coldness.
The clock was ticking, the sun started to crawl back out from the dark grey sky. Bright and blazing the glare it was shining through the wind screen of the train compartment.
I was thinking...
Oh my gosh! It took forever to reach there. I guess it was worth the wait after all.

The times spend just by looking at my surrounding does make lots of different. Every single posture and gesture a person makes significantly represent something. It is just a matter of how we notice them and the question "If we notice that simple movement of a human body".
But I guess I won’t be seeing this sight in this part of the world =)

where's this place mike?
OH ya~ I happens to forgot to introduce the place, is north of peninsular malaysia, Perak, Taiping.